KOBIDO therapeutic facial massage

Kobido is a Japanese therapeutic facial massage for the body and soul. Kobido massage has a deep tradition dating back hundreds of years. Kobido involves a variety of faster or slower movements in different directions, which help people to relax more quickly and deeply. Kobido massage stimulates the lymphatic system and circulation, has a positive effect on the nerves and circulation and slows down the ageing process. It also helps to get rid of headaches, intestinal problems, energy and joie de vivre, as the acupressure massage of the face also affects the points and meridians responsible for well-being and the harmonious functioning of all the body systems. There are many massage techniques available, so the most appropriate and effective massage techniques are selected for each individual.

The massage is carried out with a massage cream depending on the condition of the skin. The massage is followed by a mask.


Massage – 60 min.






KOBIDO massage with Epigenetic line

Kobido is a Japanese therapeutic facial massage for body and soul. Kobido massage has a deep tradition dating back hundreds of years. Kobido involves a variety of faster or slower movements in different directions, which help people to relax more quickly and deeply. Kobido massage stimulates the lymphatic system and circulation, has a positive effect on the nerves and circulation and slows down the ageing process.

What makes this KOBIDO so special is that it is performed in combination with Skin Frequency epigenetic cosmetics. These are the highly effective products of the Skin Frequency line: Hydrating (H) + Anti-Aging (A) + Lifting Effect (L). Three spray-on serums for a complete and tailored beauty routine that meets the skin’s needs, stimulates the right cellular response and activates the youthfulness processes naturally. The skin will regain hydration, softness and elasticity, wrinkles will be smoothed out and the whole complexion will appear more radiant, toned and completely rejuvenated.

The result is visible after the first hour! To maintain the skin’s elasticity, it is recommended to use the line of spray serums in your daily home care routine.

Massage duration – 70 minutes.


Gravity facial massage GOMMING

GOMMING is still known as the most effective way to prevent skin ageing. It shapes the oval of the face, cleanses toxins and firms the skin. The result of the shaping massage is beautiful, firm and smooth skin. It is a unique procedure that contains hyaluronic acid, which optimises the moisture balance, and collagen, which is essential for skin elasticity. The GOMMING massage is not only for the face, but also for the body. GOMMING massage is an unparalleled way to achieve results that could only be achieved with the help of a surgeon. After just one GOMMING elastic massage, you will enjoy smoother, more beautiful and firmer skin.

Duration – 60 minutes.





CHIRO facial massage

This is one of the best known techniques of the INMASTER school. This massage maximises the effect on the nervous system and all body functions. This massage is designed to increase the tone of the facial muscles, while at the same time acting on the neurosadatic level, which gives a deep relaxation and unblocking of muscles. The massage techniques perfectly reduce muscle hypertonus, achieving an “Anti-age” effect comparable to Botox injections. Massage improves facial blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, solves the problems of skin couperose and increases the moisture content of the skin. The cells are supplied with sufficient oxygen.




Duration of the massage – 45 minutes.